Jeanne Modigliani (1918 – 1984) FR, "Composition abstraite".

Mixed Media, acrylique sur panneau de Pava tex. Signée en bas à gauche.
Dimensions d’œuvre : 41 cm x 33 cm
Jouit d’une très bonne cote, un catalogue raisonné est en préparation.
Jeanne Modigliani
Jeanne Modigliani (1918 – 1984)
Fille Jeanne Hébuterne et de Amedeo Modigliani (1884 – 1920), célèbre peintre et sculpteur italien qui a principalement travaillé en France, et connu pour ses portraits modernes allongés. Jeanne a écrit la biographie de son père.
Her father, Amedeo Modigliani, was an Italian artist who worked mainly in France. Primarily a figurative artist, he became known for paintings and sculptures in a modern style characterised by mask-like faces and elongation of form. He died in 1920 of tubercular meningitis, exacerbated by poverty, overwork, and addiction to alcohol and narcotics.
Her mother, Jeanne Hébuterne, was a French artist, best known as her father's frequent subject and common-law wife. She committed suicide the day after his death.
After her parents' deaths when she was fourteen months old, young Jeanne was cared for by her maternal grandparents until her paternal aunt adopted her.
Jeanne married Italian economist and journalist Mario Cesare Silvio Levi. During World War II, she participated in the French Resistance. During this time she met another Resistance fighter, Valdemar "Valdi" Nechtschein, who was also married. They began an affair, and in May 1946, Jeanne gave birth to their daughter, Anne. Eventually, both divorced their spouses and married one another. Their second daughter together, Laure, was born in 1951. Jeanne and Nechtschein divorced in 1980.
Jeanne Modigliani (1918 – 1984) FR - "Composition abstraite".
Jeanne Modigliani
Huile sur toile. Non signée.
2600.00 CHF H.T.